Monday, October 29, 2012

GOTV (Get Out the Vote) 
By Connectional Lay Council President, Barbara Christian Campbell

This is a reminder that the election is only a few days away, less than two weeks; however there are still things that you can do.
(1) You can deliver absentee ballots to your elderly members or those who have a handicap, and take absentee ballots to the nursing home(s) in your community.
(2) Use your church marquee to advertise Early Voting and post a number for free transportation to the poll.
(3) Send absentee ballots to students who are in college so that they can Vote. Remember to send an absentee ballot also to those who are in the armed forces.
(4) Take absentee ballots to the jail, because until they are sentenced, they are still citizens with the right to vote.
(5) Call the school and ask the counselor to remind registered students to please VOTE!
(6) Ask members who vote early to wear their “I Voted” sticker to church so that we can keep a count of those who have voted early!
(7) Volunteer in the campaign headquarters of the candidate you support. They need people to make calls, pass our flyers and post signs in the yards of those who consent. Make a Donation to your candidate, no matter how small, it still helps.
(8) Post in church bulletin the locations of voting precincts for early voting.
(9) Post sample ballots on the bulletin board and pass out sample ballots if possible.
(10) Take the required ID to the poll.

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