Friday, April 23, 2010

Prayers for General Conference

Dear Lord, I first want to thank you for allowing the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church to remain an active witness in the life of our world today. I understand that many have strayed away from the faith and still many others have given themselves over to a reprobate mind! For each of these individuals dear Lord, I ask your forgiveness and I pray for their spirits.
As we approach the season of Spring it reminds us how close we are to gathering yet again for the business of our beloved Zion. Dear lord there are forces from without and within who seek to undermine your authority, your power and your direction for this Church. I come against those forces in the name of Jesus who is our Christ! While I realize that they may marshall their forces to bring this Church down morally and spiritually I speak life and wholeness, I call on the righteous and the faithful to heed your call to pray and not faint! In the name of Jesus, I come against the powers of hell and darkness; I come against those forces of immorality and confusion and disunity; I come against every spirit that is not of YOU Dear Lord! I pray that you bring us as a people to our knees and bow before you in true repentance so that you can lift us to the place where you would have us to be! I pray that we seek to be like YOU, not like other churches, traditions or denominations, I pray that we seek your face in total repentance and submit to the authority you have over our church and our lives!
I pray for our episcopal leaders, our general officers, our pastors, our lay persons, the officers and members of our churches, our delegates and members and even our visitors; I pray their health and well being; I pray that they will allow your power and spirit to permeate their lives and give themselves to your will for their lives and the life and future of this beloved "Tender Plant" (Lakey). Dear Lord I humbly ask this in the name of Him who came, bled, died, was buried but rose again and will come again to receive those who confess and love Him, the very same; Jesus the Christ! Amen, Amen, Amen!

Dr. Paul Brown, Pastor of Miles Memorial CME, Washington, DC

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