Monday, February 08, 2010

Prayer for Methodism's 'Great Gathering'

Dear Lord,

We pray a divine move upon the Great Gathering in Columbia, SC. We seek your presence and order as we come before you with a mission in mind. Grant our respective denominations a special positioning before thy throne of mercy and receive the confirmation of being in your will. We speak blessings upon all the disciples of AME, AMEZ and CME as we gather to pray, worship and meditate upon directives that will be pleasing in your sight. Touch each of us as we declare the best to come out of this fellowship of saints. Intercede on the behalf of your Episcopal District, pray for the many congregations, lift up the sacrifices made and commitments to come forth. Call upon the grace and mercy of our Father for our great histories and the stories yet to be revealed and the miracles to come forth. We pray that we may represent and support this endeavor by the power and purpose of his promises. In Jesus name.


Dr. Jerome McNeil,
Denominational Prayer Coordinator CME Church
Co Leader, Intercessory Prayer Team, Great Gathering

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