Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lewis Chapel Pastor Reed Awarded Citizen of the Year
Rev. Charles A. Reed, Sr., pastor of Lewis Chapel CME Church in Santa Barbara, California (The Miracle by the Beach) was awarded the "Citizen of the Year for 2008" for his outstanding work in the community. "Brother Chuk" as he is known, is the Police Chaplain for the department and very active.
Pastor Reed was appointed to Lewis Chapel in the fall of 2007 and relocated to the city from Los Angeles. After being pulled over by the police four times in three months, Pastor Reed made an appointment with S.B. Police Chief Cam Sanchez to discuss the matter. But, Pastor Reed did more than just talk about the problem facing Black men in Santa Barbara, Pastor Reed got involved. He joined the Police Citizens Academy and finished in April of 2008. During his background investigation, Bishop Williamson said, Pastor Reed would be "proactive" in his work with law enforcement. This has proven to be quite an understatement.
Pastor Reed's first call to duty as Chaplain was to the aid of a woman who's 11-year old daughter had died. It would not be the last time he would come face to face with death. On the 4th of July 2008, Pastor Reed decided to go out in the field with his sergeant, Sgt. Riley Harwood, instead of staying at home and enjoying the holiday with his family. That night, Pastor Reed was one of the first to arrive on the scene of a gang-related homicide. Pastor Reed assisted in stabilizing the victim on a back-board, only realizing some time later the teenage victim bled on him. Pastor Reed also assisted in the investigation by escorting traumatized witnesses to the Police Station and comforting them until they could be interviewed by detectives.
In November, he assisted with a death investigation. In December, Pastor Reed was called out to help in another homicide—a stabbing that occurred at a halfway house. There, Pastor Reed counseled a very distraught witness for nearly two hours until he was calm enough to provide a statement to detectives. But the role of a Police Chaplain consists of more than just helping with death investigations, as Pastor Reed's other activities demonstrate. During this past year, he has graduated from the Department's Citizen Academy, he met frequently with the Chief and Deputy Chief, served as a liaison with the Interfaith Ministerial Alliance, rode along with the Tactical Patrol Force and made contacts with the homeless, assisted with a runaway juvenile case and a warrant service, represented the Department at the funeral of a City Official, counseled SBPD employees facing personal challenges, and helped with the Special Event Unit with issues concerning the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King rally.
Pastor Reed has been married to his beautiful wife Joyce for almost thirty years. His son Charles Jr., is the drummer at Amos Memorial in Los Angeles. His daughter Shalen sings with Joyce in the singing group "Called." In his spare time he is a talented artist, lifeguard, and is the Head Swim Team Coach at the Montecito YMCA. The team has won many swim meets and a League Title under his leadership. Pastor Reed has even worked hard on the shooting range, and is an excellent marksmen.
During his brief tenure as a Police Chaplain Pastor Reed has had a tremendous impact on the Department. He has proven to be a great asset to the SBPD personnel and a positive influence in their relationship with the community. For these reasons "Brother Chuk"/Pastor Charles A. Reed, Sr. has been awarded by City of Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara Police Department as the "Citizen of the Year" for 2008.

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