Sunday, August 29, 2010

TEL: 011-233-244630267
Dear Editor,

SCAM IN E-MAIL Regarding Justice Adjei K. Lawson

I bring you greetings in the precious matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I humbly send in this e-mail to inform the worldwide connection that I, REV. JUSTICE ADJEI K. LAWSON, have not been held up in United Kingdom by any law enforcing authority whatsoever. I have not asked for any financial help from anyone. I have safely arrived back to Ghana from USA on August 16th, 2007. I have clean international traveling records and have never had any problem anywhere that I travel to in the world.

I am therefore alerting all members of the CME and friends worldwide who have access to my e-mail and have received any e-mail that I need money to get out my problem in UK is a scamp and must be ignored outright.

My new e-mail address is
Thanks for your co-operation.

Your Humble Servant,
Rev. Justice Adjei K. Lawson
(Member of the Connectional Judicial Council & Mission Supervisor of Ghana Region Annual conference)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Call to Rally on September 4, 2010
In Atlantic Beach, SC

On September 4th we want to remind the town of Atlantic Beach, South Carolina that a sanctuary is a “sacred place”’ a place that has historically provided refuge, asylum and/or immunity from being arrested. The history of this country and all of civilization is filled with examples of persons going into a sanctuary seeking immunity from being arrested. Therefore, the removal and arrest of Pastor Windy Price, her husband and the Atlantic Beach Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in their sanctuary during worship has unlimited negative implications for worshippers everywhere. This small town has struck a gigantic blow against humanity.
Based on the 1st and 14th amendments of the Constitution of the United Stated of America we want the harassment of the pastor and members of the Atlantic Beach Christian Methodist Episcopal Church to stop immediately.
Furthermore, we call upon the town of Atlantic Beach, South Carolina to fully reimburse the Atlantic Beach Christian Methodist Episcopal Church for all expenses and fees that this congregation has incurred since the night of July 28, 2010. .
Finally, we call upon all the people of faith to come to Atlantic Beach, South Carolina on September 4, 2010 at 10 am and meet us at the Atlantic Beach Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 502 40th Avenue, South.
This rally is not just about the injustices that this pastor and congregation have been made to face; it is about the threat that every sanctuary will continue to face if we do not show up and speak out.


Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr. is hereby asking all pastors, members and friend of the “Mighty 7th Episcopal District” to join him on September 4, 2010 at 10:00 am at 502 40th Avenue, South, Atlantic Beach, South Carolina. Together we will rally and march in protest of the ill treatment of Atlantic Beach, South Carolina toward the Atlantic Beach CME Church. The rally will begin at the Church. Further information and hotel accommodation will be sent shortly.
Bishop Hoyt is hopeful that those pastors within a couple hundred miles radius would gather their members and friends and car pool to Atlantic Beach. Our presence will send a message to the authorities of Atlantic Beach, South Carolina and others who would harass and disrespect our right to worship.

Submitted by Dr. James E. Russell, Presiding Elder of the Winston-Salem/Greenville District

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bishop and Mrs. Sylvester Williams Visit
Nonnie Bryant in Nursing Home

At the close of the 77th Session of the Ohio-Central Indiana Region Annual Conference in Beachwood, Ohio, Bishop Sylvester Williams, the newly elected 58th bishop of the CME Church, visited one of his constituents in the Montefiore Nursing Home. Mrs. Nonnie Bryant has been in rehabilitation at the home for two weeks after suffering a fractured pelvis from a fall at the hotel at the General Conference in Mobile, Alabama in June. Mrs. Bryant, who will be 91 in September, rarely misses an annual conference and other meetings on the regional level.
She wanted to see her new bishop. So Bishop Sylvester Williams and Mrs. Carmen Williams visited Mrs. Bryant and shared with her in prayer in the nursing home.
Bishop Sylvester Williams closed out his very first annual conference with a spirited commissioning message, taken from Mark 6:7-13, calling for both preachers and members to trust God and be faithful to the charge where they would be sent or to the new pastor that comes to the church.
Prior to his election to the episcopacy, Bishop Williamson served as pastor of the Carter Temple CME Church in Chicago, IL.
Submitted by Warren Bryant

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Message From the General Secretary of Lay Ministry

August 13, 2010
TO: CME Laity
SUBJECT: 2010 Annual CME Convocation

Greetings and may the joy of the Lord be yours!
I, first, remind you that the 2010 CME Convocation is fast approaching. I hope that many of you who have not attended a CME Convocation lately or have never attended before, will consider attending this year. The dates and location, as most of you know, are September 21-24, 2010 at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, KY. Louisville and the Galt House accommodations have proven in the past, in my opinion, to be an excellent venue. Get your registrations in and let’s have record numbers in attendance and leave with a new zeal to serve and make a difference in the life and witness of our Zion. Additional information about the Annual CME Convocation is available at .
Second, I want you to know that a meeting/assembly for the Laity have been arranged for Tuesday afternoon, September 21st from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. During this time I will share with you the work and accomplishments of the Department thus for and how we can, together, help make the Quadrennial Theme of “An Essential Church: Poised for 21st Century Ministry, come alive in the work of equipping God’s people. During this time frame, Mrs. Barbara C. Campbell, Connectional Lay Council President, Ms. Diana Winton, Connectional Ushers President, Mrs. Jolinda Dugger, Connectional Stewardesses President, and Mr. Charles Taylor, Connectional Stewards President, will be provided time and space to share with those who are part of their respective ministries, as well.
Third, on Thursday, September 23rd from 3:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. each of the Presidents will engage members of their ministry team in a workshop, focused on the Quadrennial Theme. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to hear first hand the thoughts, challenges, and how-tos of how these ministries will be “essential” in “An Essential Church.”
Last, I pray God’s favor on each of you and may He lift you as you are lifting Him!

Sincerely & In Christ I trust,
Clifford L. Harris
Mr. Clifford Harris, General Secretary
Department of Lay Ministry